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Branded content: why there isn't an app for everything

Are marketers using apps as a sticking plaster to hide the fundamental flaws in their digital strate...

Turn off, don't tune in, drop out

The smartphone has fast become indispensable to many consumers, but the value of switching off shoul...

Sarah Storey: Links of London brand ambassador

Inside story: Sarah Storey Paralympic cyclist

As Sarah Storey wins her third gold in the C5 Time Trial Road Cycling Event, Nicola Clark goes behin...

Why brands should get behind the Paralympics

The Big Brother generation has run out of steam. Brands need to get behind real heroes to better con...

What the Olympics revealed about the shifting sensibilities of British consumers

It was a chance encounter: on the Tube, going to the Olympic Stadium, Lord Coe turned to thank one o...

Paralympics: Channel 4's 'Meet the Superhumans' ad campaign

Brands snap up Channel 4 Paralympic ad packages

Brands aiming to capitalise on Olympic fever in the UK are buying up ad packages around Channel 4's ...

Royal Mail's Gold Medal Winner stamps

Golden Games: The story behind Royal Mail's gold medal stamps and painted postboxes

Turning a 24-month production process into an 11-hour turnaround is no mean feat. Nicola Clark talks...

Top 10 marketing lessons from the Olympic Games

In the wake of 17 days of British and global sporting achievement, Nicola Clark highlights top 10 ma...

EBay: has been making strides intro fashion

EBay partners with British Fashion Council

EBay has signed up a multi-season sponsorship deal with the British Fashion Council's (BFC) Fashion ...

Why it's ok for brands to cry at work

Andy Murray's emotional defeat at Wimbledon sends the message to brands that wearing your heart on y...

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