Promotional feature

The enduring power of radio

The enduring power of radio

Gideon Spanier talks to Chris Evans during Cannes week

Campaign’s Gideon Spanier in conversation with Chris Evans, radio DJ and host at Virgin Radio UK

When: Wednesday June 19th 2019, 11.30am-12.30pm (arrive from 11am)
Where: Havas Café, The Croisette, Cannes

If you’re interested in coming along, please RSVP to Places are limited, filing fast and by acceptance only.

Nothing has killed the radio star. It’s embraced the digital age and is thriving with greater reach, creativity and engagement than ever. Join Gideon Spanier, Campaign’s head of media, in conversation with Chris Evans, Virgin Radio UK’s host as they talk about the challenges and opportunities radio presents and how it’s sustaining its re-invention.

They’ll discuss…

- The enduring power of radio and why it still exists as a medium
- Creativity and innovation in radio
- How Chris works with Sky to ensure their content weaves into the radio programming authentically
- Why radio is good for News UK’s business


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