Elspeth worked as ECD at digital agency Profero, where she won awards including AdAge ‘Top 10 agencies to watch’, BIMA ‘Agency of the Year 2011’ and a Creative Showcase Awards Grand Prix.
She is also former art director at DDB, McCann, Lowe Roche and Leo Burnett. Elspeth founded Zig which won businesses including Unilever, Virgin Mobile and IKEA.
She expanded the award-winning agency of the year to Chicago in 2005 and sold to MDC, and Crispin Porter Bogusky.
Elspeth has judged at Cannes, D&AD, The One Show, Communication Arts, The Clios, The Andys, The New York Art Directors Club and chaired the Marketing Awards in Canada.
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Elspeth's choices
Sony Bravia "balls"
250,000 bouncy balls were released down the streets of San Francisco for Fallon's campaign to launch Sony's LCD TV brand, Bravia. The 2005 ad demonstrates the brilliantly clear picture quality of this technology with the tag "colour like no other". The ad features the song Heartbeats, sung by Swedish singer José González
Every frame was shot on camera, with no computer graphics used. Much of the budget went on 12 cannons that fired the balls high into the air, so they bounced and didn’t roll. After the shoot, students on roller skates collected the balls and gave them to local kids.
The Fallon London team included creative director Richard Flintham, filming was directed by Nicolai Fuglsig, and director of photography was Joaquin Baca-Asay. Fallon London scooped top YoungGuns award for the ad, as well as two Gold Bullets and the Best of Show at the fifth annual YoungGuns International Advertising Award. It also won the Grand Prix at the 44th annual Sharks Awards advertising festival and a gold award at Cannes.
Sport England "This girl can"
Sport England’s 2014 campaign aimed to encourage more women to take up sport and physical exercise and address the gender gap between male and female participation in sport. The aim was to confront women’s fears of being judged when exercising by showing real women enjoying sport.
The TV ad features "normal" women of all shapes, sizes and ages to the soundtrack of Get Ur Freak On by Missy Elliott. Agency FCB Inferno created the 90-second TV campaign. The outdoor campaign featured slogans such as, "I jiggle, therefore I am"; "I kick balls, deal with it"; "Sweating like a pig, feeling like a fox".
‘This girl can’ swept the board at the Creative Circle Ball, picking up five gold and five silver awards, including gold for Best Integrated campaign.
The Independent "Litany"
This ad was created by Bozell (now Lowe) advertising agency for The Independent newspaper. Directed by Rob Sanders of Helen Langridge Associates (HLA), and released in October 1998, the ad features a series of black-and-white images.
These are accompanied by a voiceover listing prohibitory phrases, "Don't talk. Don't drink. Don't think. Don't be fat. Don't be thin," ending with, "Don't buy. Don't read." The ad illustrates the extent to which societal rules control out lives, revealing that The Independent doesn't conform.
The ad won numerous awards at the London International Advertising Awards, including the Grand Prize as best of show in the television/cinema category, and two additional trophies for best visual direction and media promotion. It won both the Grand Prix and the Journalists' Award in Cannes, and took top honours at the '99 Cresta Awards, winning the Consumer Grand Prix.
About The Thinkboxes
The Thinkboxes are the first awards to celebrate the UK's world-beating TV ad creativity, in all its forms, at regular way-points throughout the year. Created in association with Haymarket Brand Media (Campaign, Marketing and Brand Republic), these bi-monthly awards are judged by the Thinkbox Creative Academy; made up of over 200 advertising luminaries.
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