Make your advertising budget work harder using media barter

Make your advertising budget work harder using media barter

Media barter may have its roots in ancient civilization but it is very much a 21st century business, allowing brand advertisers and media owners to get the media they want without having to pay 100% in cash.

Media barter is on the rise, currently worth between £250-£300m, and accounts for around 2% of media billings. It offers a smart, lateral approach to get the most from your budget.

With Astus Group, the UK’s biggest media barter company, clients can get the most efficient and transparent media barter deal possible, trading via pre-agreed distribution routes with often first-line products or services. Businesses can create budgets that didn't previously exist, or extend budgets that do not stretch far enough.

Media barter is truly a modern business process - in order to get the most out of it, it needs to be integrated with media strategy and business planning. In short, if a business has capital tied up in goods and services that could be working harder, then media barter could be the answer.

View more about media barter here.



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