Budweiser "wassup"

Based on a short film, "True", by Charles Stone III, this ad for Budweiser rocketed the "whassup?" catchphrase into popular culture and found itself parodied in a number of Hollywood blockbusters.

The ad, created by DDB Chicago for Anheuser-Busch Companies was also directed by Stone. After auditioning 80 hopefuls, he decided to film his friends instead: actor Paul Williams, bouncer Scott Brooks, and filmmaker Fred Thomas.

The campaign attracted a more youthful audience and was not only an industry award winner (with a Cannes Lions Grand Prix award in 2000 and a Grand Clio award under its belt), but also a pop-culture phenomenon, even in countries where Budweiser wasn’t sold.

In May 2006, the campaign was welcomed into the Clio Hall of Fame.

To see more films in this series, see here>>>

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