NSPCC "cartoon"

Winner of over 10 Golds from creative awards including Cannes Lions and The Creative Circle, this powerful spot from NSPCC puts a cartoon child being abused by a real-life parent at the heart of the story.

The ad sees the animated child bounce around the house as his father beats him, throws things at him and puts his cigarette out on the child's head. The ad reaches its poignant climax as the cartoon child, seen bouncing down the stairs, turns into a real child laying lifeless.

For David Droga, the creative director, this was the script that stuck out from the possibles. He said "That was it – we wanted to show the kind of violence and abuse that advertising regulators would never allow. Having a cartoon child enabled that to happen, making viewers extremely uneasy about the juxtaposition of an animated world with the grim reality of child abuse."

The project, conceived by Howard Wilmott and Duncan Marshall, took shape after Passion Pictures' animation experts and director Frank Budgen began working on how to formulate the ad.

Created by Saatchi & Saatchi London, the ad was directed by Frank Budgen from Gorgeous and animated by Passion Pictures.

To see more films in this series, see here>>>

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