The ANNAs digital award: £10K challenge

The ANNAs digital award: £10K challenge

Rewarding media and creative teams for the best online newspaper ad campaigns.

Want a chance to win £10,000? Like previous winners of the ANNAs Digital Award, you could be honoured for your digital national newspaper campaign, and rewarded with a share of this prize.

"The ANNAs Digital Award represents a very specific award in a world of increasingly all- encompassing and generic award shows. It's great to be able to focus on one area – digital news­papers – and celebrate the best examples we can find," says awards judge Gavin Gordon-Rogers, interactive creative director at Wieden + Kennedy.

Digital campaigns for Peperami and the AA both triumphed at the last ANNAs Award. Peperami's 'Fanimal' campaign by Billington Cartmell and Mindshare was simple and humorous; it allowed football supporters to let off steam during the World Cup by encouraging them to bash rival nations using the brand's animal character.

The AA's 'Home Emergency Response' campaign on the Evening Standard's online property pages seeded fake ads for homes at bargain prices among the real things. People clicking through found the properties ruined by events covered by The AA's insurance policy.

Seb Royce, executive creative director at Glue London/Isobar, and Gordon-Rogers praised both campaigns for targeting a specific online audience and their creative use of the digital platform. Along with fellow judges Flo Heiss, executive creative director at Dare, and Rob Fletcher, creative partner at Isobel, they will again be looking for originality of thought, quality of execution and an understanding of context in this year's nominees.

The £10,000 prize is shared between the creative and media teams behind the winning campaigns. Mindshare spent its cash on a team BBQ, donating the remaining money to Oxfam, while Matt Crabtree and Simon Hepton, the creatives from McCann, spent theirs on family holidays. Meanwhile, Liam Fenton, part of the creative team at Billington Cartmell, invested in "booze, drugs and women – the rest I just squandered," he joked.

However you might spend the prize money, Royce says: "In an era when social media hogs the headlines, display ads can still be creative and effective. The ANNAs Digital Award is a chance to prove it."

How to Enter

The Newspaper Marketing Agency is looking for the best ad or campaign to run on national newspaper websites for the digital award category of this year's ANNAs (Awards for National Newspaper Advertising)

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